Luke SImon by Christian Defonte

Hi, I’m Luke.

I am a writer, artist and teacher.
I have been on the path of healing and yoga for 20 years to heal depression, anxiety and liberate my creativity, I share the tools that have helped me and facilitate private healing sessions and group experiences to help people have direct experience of their sacred energy and authentic self. 

While I focus on creatives and queers coming into their power, I am here for anyone who’s finding how to live a life they love. I carry the yoga lineage, as well as Reiki, Breathwork, my gayness, Poetry, and my grandmother’s Gourmet cooking skills. I am committed to making life beautiful while holding the reality of life’s darkness and challenges. 

I use the word Mystic because the mysteries of life fascinate me. I have turned my uncertainty in trust in the synchronicity and magic we can all tap into.(I also believe in pragmatic solutions and common sense!) I am a Libra, so it is often about balancing the yin and yang, masculine and feminine, and going beyond binaries.

I want to empower people to trust their own intuition and take the nxt steps in their personal journeys. I hope my sharing brings some joy to your life. I am grateful to the teachers and lineages that have helped me get embodied and aware. Let’s do this!

My Offerings

1 on 1 Mystic Healing Sessions

  • Activate your energy for self-healing using the breath. For heavy emotions, or over-thinking, Breathwork is good medicine. It's also a tool you can learn and use whenever you need to shift back into a flowing energy field.

    In one on one sessions, we will check in with where you are at on your path and what you want to shift with the session. We get intuitive insights into what wants to shift, places where things may be off, and where you have the power to change.

    I will guide you in the breath. People "open up" and feel their energy tingle and circulate. It's ethereal, euphoric, sometimes cathartic. I usually give people "homework" tips for you to keep the healing themes going.

  • Open the mirror of your energy and a channel into what the Universe wants you to hear.

    These sessions are supportive, intuitive, sometimes exciting, intense, but always loving.

    These are not predictive readings, but rather intuitive glimpses into the energy surrounding you this moment.

    From this expanded state of awareness and intention, we listen and discuss where you are being asked to grow. The longer I use the cards, the more I trust them.

    We can look at specific questions or go more general. These sessions start with a meditation and then we look at your cards. It's intuitive and usually we dig in to some depth as well as have fun!

  • A more in depth blend of tarot and energy work to help you make big leaps. Good once a year or when you feel you really need some deep support.

    We open with a meditation and I will tune into your energy intuitively. Then we will check in and I will share some of what I am feeling. Then we’ll see what the cards want to say to you, and then shift from this verbal exploration into pure energy. I will guide you in either Breathwork or Reiki to makes these shifts on a deeper, embodied level.

    You will leave with more perspective and expanded energy. You will feel re-booted and more fully alive!